Let it whip

Since today is the first non-kid Saturday that I can remember in a very, very long time where I didn’t wake up with the sort of hangover that makes you pause to reconsider your life choices, I decided to make it the most productive non-kid Saturday I’ve had in a very, very long time. The first thing I did was sleep: a lot. Now this might not sound very productive, but it FELT awesome. After a quick breakfast of grits and fried eggs, I tackled the dishes piling up in the sink, then came upstairs to tackle the mess of tangled wires residing in that feared no man’s land where the common space of my work table, computer and music rig meet. Between the six wall outlets and two power strips in that immediate area, it had accumulated a veritable rats’ nest of jumbled wires that boggled the mind and complicated any endeavor set to take place in that particular region. This mission accomplished, I then moved over to the computer to transfer pictures from my phone and begin working through my list of songs I want to locate and download. After which, I am currently posting about said victorious achievements.

I plan on working on some new material today – either for Controlled Dissonance or Nests of Disorder. When I originally realized that I had no plans for the day and thought to spend the day noising, my goal was to dig deep and put myself in a bad place so that I could create something really dark. Of course, as fate would have it, I’m inexplicably in a really good mood today. So, I’m just going to set up some gear and run through a few live performances, and cull out the good stuff.

I’ve run across some interesting street art recently. One that keeps popping up around the city is this picture of a bloated and deformed fetus with a caption that contains the word “destroy” in some capacity. I managed to get these two pictures over the last few weeks:

Some other random pictures I just transferred over from the camera include this shot from Post Alley in Downtown Seattle. I took this picture while capturing a field recording that didn’t turn out so well. The other field recordings from that same venture were sent to Steve for inclusion in the Sounds Found library.

And, finally, this is a view of the portion of the Downtown skyline that I can see from my new office at work. I recently moved into one of our other buildings, to help expedite the project I’m on, and one of the big bonuses is this view from my desk.

Alright. Stick around for an update to the Instruments pages. It’s a cheap electroacoustic device I rigged up in an hour earlier this week.

Until then, etc. etc.

“And I’m proud to be an American…”

It’s Ye Olde Independence Day here in the Merry United States, and it sounds like a fucking war is taking place in Seattle. I hear yelling, buzzing of planes, sirens and explosions outside. Granted, the planes and sirens are a common fixture, and the yelling is not so uncommon as to be noteworthy, it’s just the combination of all of them, with the explosions of fireworks, that really set the mood.

I decided it was the perfect opportunity to give the H2 a proper field test. I still haven’t played back the recording, but I’ve got my fingers crossed that this was a worthwhile investment. Once I have some recordings under my belt, I’ll write up a proper review of the product, because I have some strong opinions on the physical presentation…

I discovered this scrawled on the back of a sign near my apartment:

It reminded me of this random graffiti picture that Joseph sent me a few months back. I hope there’s some worldwide movement starting, because I really want to see more creepy and negative graffiti gracing the flat surfaces of my city.


It was Gay Pride weekend here in the Emerald City. I didn’t realize that until this afternoon when I took the kids out to eat downtown, and ran into the obstacle that was the Gay Pride Parade. After I saw the kids safely off with their ride home, I hit up some friends and wound up paying an exorbitant cover to get into the happening gay bar in the neighborhood. The good news is that my friends are cheap and shifty, so we were drinking tailgate style at someone’s car, instead of paying for drinks in the bar. The bad news is that I’m far too drunk, now, to be productive.

I’m going over the submissions for the Mental Hygiene League release, and trying to determine a proper order for the tracklist. We’ve got the cover art done, the one-page history done and now I’m just hacking out the tracklist and the accompanying one-page for that. Then the project will be finished.

I also got a sound file from Joseph today. If everything goes according to plan, this will be the second track for the new Nests of Disorder album. I’m using this tentative collaboration as an excuse to invest in the Zoom H2. I need a better method for capturing field recordings than my current hodge podge of miniDisc and microcassette recorders.


Good news, everybody!

Last night was the premiere of the first two episodes of the new Futurama run. While not largely laugh-out-out-loud funny, they were certainly far more entertaining than most of the garbage on Comedy Central – and did have a few guffaw inducing lines. I get this creeping fear that they’re going to make Bender as obnoxious as early 90s Bart Simpson, but that may just be due to the fact that Matt Groening had his hand in the story this time around. I’m looking forward to new episodes, and more thinly veiled homosexual jokes about Zapp Brannigan, with much gusto.

Working on the Mental Hygiene League compilation over the next few days. Didn’t get as much material as I had hoped, but still have a fair amount to document the existence of the collaborative. Which leads me to mentioning that Joseph and I have just started working on some new Nests of Disorder material.

Off to check on my ragout…

More content

I’ve updated the Projects section to include some new Circuit Bending material. In addition to my own tutorials, I’ve uploaded the Tablebeast SK-1 bending guide from the defunct sk-1.org website. Before the night is through, I hope to have up all my old bentpedals.com schematics, as well.

Use and abuse, noise-makers.