Smoking or Non?

You heard me.

Me: “Hey. I need a single for the night.”
Her: “Smoking or non?”
Me: “Hahahahahaha! Is that really an option?!”

It’s weird how quickly we acclimate to changes in life. It’s been only just over four years since I moved to Washington, but the memory of Smoking Sections and Smoking Rooms has faded to the point where I almost forgot such things still exist. For a lark, I opted for the smoking room. And it STINKS. So much for trying to be funny. More on this motel later.

Well. Today was the day. Sean got his first taste of abandonment in the arms of the pedagogic elite. His eyes got big and his lip quivered a tad when his mother and I left, but he butched up and powered through the situation. It was amazing seeing him interacting with a group of his peers. With the exception of two other classmates, he’s inches taller than everyone in his class (the other two are still shorter, just not by quite so shocking an amount). All the other kids formed an orderly line and marched single-file like good little children, while Sean wandered around, cut corners and randomly darted forwards and backwards in line. No respect for authority, that one.

*beams with pride*

The good news is that the motel has free wi-fi (you think?) and decent cable. I’m sitting in the cool room, sipping some Jim Beam and watching the Langoliers (okay, I guess I could change the channel now). If I can stay awake long enough, I can catch the season finale of Futurama.

David Morse!

Alright. I’m trying to think of some things I want to add to the site, now that I’m actually in the mood to be productive and expand the offerings a little. I don’t really have any ideas, though, so if any of you have any suggestions, I’m all ears/eyes.

The shareef don’t like it…

Banned From The Pubs

First order of business: Check this out. The audio won’t be available until the official release date of September 7th, but I thought one or two people might be interested in seeing the tracklist in advance. It was a phenomenal turnout and I want to thank everyone who contributed a track for making it a successful return to the wide world of random experimental music compilations. This has certainly given me the motivation to roll out another project, and I have just the thing in mind. I need only confer with an interested party before announcing the project, so stay tuned for more news on that.

Second order of business: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was a truly unique movie experience. At first I felt a little uncomfortably “too old” for the movie, but that passed pretty quickly as the story got underway. It was bombastic, nerdy, quirky and amusing; and the action scenes were surprisingly… for lack of a better word, astounding. I wasn’t expecting the action to be so intense.

Third order of business: The Expendables was horrible. My initial reaction was that it was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I later amended that to “it’s the worst movie I’ve paid to see since I got suckered into seeing Dumb & Dumber on opening weekend”. Granted, nobody walked into that theater expecting great cinema, but Jesus this stuff was terrible. It was downright boring. Twice I almost walked out of the movie, but I remembered that it was 97 outside, so I started to convince myself that I’d paid $9.00 for two hours in the AC and the movie was secondary entertainment. The plot was a mess. The dialog was atrocious. All of these guys look like total shit (seriously, Mickey Rourke looks good compared to Stallone, Lundgren and Schwarzenegger), and the tacked on subplots that were supposed to flesh out the characters were amateurish and hackneyed. Terrible on such a level that I weep for all these guys.
(The one redeeming scene is owned pwned by Terry Crews. You’ll know it when you see it.)

Fourth order of business: Will have to wait. It’s time for the new episode of Warehouse 13. Huzzah!

Until next time, skanks, etc. etc.

Oh shit (an addendum)

I forgot to mention that Controlled Dissonance made an appearance on the latest Just Not Normal compilation, nO-r-mal II. At some point I’m going to stop posting links to Mark’s label and just assume that you all know how to get there, but until then:

I’m on the “Dark Places” volume with C. Reider (who is appearing on the Of Places and Moments compilation) and, strangely enough, Palancar. In toto, the release covers six volumes and includes some of my personal favorite artists of the genre (the aforementioned included): Gurdonark, Voder, Mystified, jfox, DANADAX, Medmud, The Silence Bureau and Mystahr. I’m looking forward to hours of entertainment at work this week.

Monday Night Debutante Ball

I’ve got submissions for the new compilation slowly trickling in, which makes me glad that I swallowed a little pride and extended the deadline. I haven’t had a chance to listen to everything yet, but this may well be one of the most diverse compilation projects to be hosted on these pages. It certainly boasts a cast of new faces. That, in and of itself, makes me happy.

I’ve been working on a couple of extracurricular projects that won’t see light here, so I don’t have much to report on relevant subjects. I do have these pictures I can share:

More awesome cryptic sticker graffiti from around town:

Sean throwing gang signs:

The most ridiculous thing I saw last week:

Alright. Time to put on some ambient and get in some reading before I crash for the night. Until next time, etc. etc.

This is not my beautiful house

Strange as it may seem, I was true to my word last Saturday and actually spent the day being productive. I managed to capture only one live performance, which will likely be manipulated before showing up in either a Controlled Dissonance or Nest of Disorder track. After I finished that, I did some work on some other audio projects that I haven’t really thought about in a while – mainly to pad out the compilation project in the event that I get a few more entries, but not quite enough for a full release (yes – I may cheat a little on this project). I’m honestly hoping that these tracks never see the light of day: not because I dislike them, but because I would rather the compilation get enough input from other artists.

As alluded to in my last post, I got a page up for the new instrument. The Kvetchbox is pretty simple, and a tad lame, but it filled a need. The need was less for a simple and lame electroacoustic instrument and more for the satisfaction of having accomplished something. Sometimes I need to step back from a plethora of unfinished projects and tackle one simple thing to regain the motivation to finish up other projects. I’m hoping this will be that impetus and inspiration.

An old Controlled Dissonance track appeared in an ambient mix release this morning. “Filled With Stars”, from Convoluted Vol. 2, starts off the mix entitled “Explorations: Side Two”, available for download here:
I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to any of the other mixes, but if they’re as good as this one, they’re worth hearing.

Alright. I think that’s all for now. Until next time, remember: caveat emptor, motherfuckers.