Last night I did the unthinkable; the unimaginable; the unconscionable: Last night I sang karaoke. In violation of a years long treaty with the agents of common decency, I succumbed to the forces of silliness and sang in honor of my best friend’s birthday. The night had been fun up until that point… Simple apologies are insufficient consolation for the crime I have committed. Redemption will be difficult to find.
C. Reider, fellow aural oddball, released over the weekend a tribute to himself, in the form of a three-volume remix compilation featuring his work remixed by dozens of experimental artists. A track from my secret project (the astute reader should figure this one out quickly enough) appears along with tracks from a handful of some of my favorite noise and ambient artists – SIGHUP, Mystified, Gurdonark, Pavonine, ENE and Red Fog.
Download and/or stream for free
I’m listening now and have yet to hear anything that I haven’t enjoyed.
I had seen adverts around town for a gallery at the local art museum for “Nick Cave – Meet Me At The Center Of The Earth” and I thought – “Whoa! Nick Cave has an art gallery? Weird. I must see this.” As it turns out, none of this is untrue, it’s simply not THE Nick Cave, just SOME Nick Cave. Fortunately I didn’t have to spend my money to find this out, and allegedly there’s a plaque in the exhibit that explains that this is not the Nick Cave you are looking for. Seems to me like there should be some manner of elucidation in the adverts. I’m quite certain I would have demanded my money back had I paid to see an art gallery by Nick Cave, and it was not THE Nick Cave.
I got a super ridiculous vintage shirt from a thrift store yesterday. It made me smile. Though it is rather more bold than what I’m used to wearing, so it may take me a while to work up to wearing it with the pride it so obviously requires. Baby steps.
Listening to this C. Reider release is inspiring me to get back to the new Controlled Dissonance material at which I have been picking. Time to get crackin’.
Nil desperandum, dears.