What’s happenin’?

Some more good news from around town.

It has been alluded that this is the secret behind my youthful appearance (or “baby face” as some insist). I remain silent on the subject. But, it’s nice to see another graffiti trend cropping up in my neighborhood.

There’s got to be a silver lining here somewhere…

This hurt my soul so very, very much.

Another sticker that just leaves me flabbergasted.

And last, but certainly not least, another DESTROY image. This one I’ve posted before, but not from my own collection; and it’s new, so that means someone, somewhere is carrying on with this endeavor. Huzzah!

Word on the streets

Saw this on the walk to work this morning. It was really big, so I had to stand in the street and defy traffic to get the picture. An old man walking by looked and me and said “Interesting sentiment…”

This is what we call “Gospel Truth™”.

I really have nothing to add to this.

Edgar Allan Poe, or random smudge of dirt? You decide.

This isn’t technically incidental art, but it is awesome. I really, really wanted to see this, but it’s way the eff out in the suburbs and I don’t have a car. Poop sticks.

Around town.

Seen around town in the last week.

Design originality may not be this person’s forte (isn’t the tag script passe yet? please?), but you have to concede that this is a fine example of modern, urban wit. Magnifique.

I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I never realized this sign depicted a woman, until I saw this addition. It’s not that I’m a chauvinist, or mired in heteronormative ideals, I just never really thought about it.

This painting hung on the wall next to our table at the bar Rob Roy. It is perfectly designed to draw all attention to the crevice of the ass. Luring and lurid. Class. (This is the same bar that spikes its urinals with citrus slices…)

And that, boys and girls, is why this country boy moved to the city.