Couple of months backlog of DESTROY pictures. There may be a repeat, or two, but most of these should be new. The last one is one of my new favorites, for the sheer audacity of its size, and the fact that there are two DESTROY tags on it. Two!!
Category: Graffiti
Oscillating noise
Two more Destroy graphics, from recent excursions.
You’re putting on your bedroom eyes
As I sit here, in my dank, subterranean abode, whiling away yet another Monday night accompanied by naught but my thoughts and the dulcet strains of REO Speedwagon, I find myself pondering the greater mysteries of life. Foremost being, how do I quantify a walk up to 7-11 to buy myself one last beer for the night (week)?
But, I think I’ve already answered my own question.
In order:
1) Oh, my fake paper girlfriend, why must you be such a tease?
2) This artist is represented all around my neighborhood, but this is one of my favorite pieces.
3) Mom?
4) Restroom philosophy, Pt. 2
5) Unfortunately, he didn’t leave his number. Sadness.
6) “But the hands we love so dear, are the hands we love to hear. Are the hands you give to us.”
7) Which is why, ultimately, Chuck Norris and Ted Nugent are fucking doomed. Doomed.
Until such time that X is in cosmic alignment with Y, make mine Marvel. Excelsior!
Some days I bemoan the inconveniences of city living, such as noisy neighbors or the completely ludicrous parking situation of my new neighborhood, but I need only take a walk around my immediate vicinity to find treasures such as these to remind me why I stay.
Caveat emptor, motherfuckers.
I actually had a dream last night about running around Seattle with my two youngest kids, a girl I used to work with, and an old friend from high school – looking for DESTROY graffiti. It reminded me that I have a bunch of new pictures to post.
I also have a collection of interesting random graffiti pictures to share, but I think I need some caffeine and food before I make any attempt to post those.
Until then, etc. etc.