Last summer I started noticing an odd trend of sticker graffiti cropping up around town, the common thread being a tag with either the word “DESTROY” or the phrase “DESTROYED LIFE”. Initially I thought it to be some manner of political statement, but as the trend grew, the political nature waned. I started taking pictures of the works, as I stumbled on them, and decided it was high time to compile it all in a post. What strikes me as the oddest part about this trend is that, being as rampant as it is, I can’t find any murmurings about it online. One day, however, I was taking a picture of one of the bits of graffito and was approached by another fan who was excited to tell me about a few of which I wasn’t aware. Unfortunately, they were gone by the time I made it to those locations, but it was heartening to know that I’m not the only fan.
In order of my discovery:
My personal favorite is the Paul McCartney as Lee Harvey Oswald, getting shot by Jack Ruby. Fucking classic.
As always, caveat emptor, motherfuckers.