Just in case you’re stopping by

I’ve had to make an unplanned move to a new host provider.  Part of the fun in that is recovering all the files that were hosted with my previous provider and restoring them to the proper place with the new provider.  As such, it may be several days before some images start showing up again.  And there may be some links to hosted files that stop working.


Caveat emptor.

Menomena – The Pelican

I stumbled on this CD in the used bin at my local Goodwill a few weeks ago. I remembered having heard the band name before, but wasn’t familiar with the album, and for $3 it wasn’t much of a risk, so I picked it up. It didn’t take long for me to realize I had chosen wisely. “The Pelican” is a rare example of how a group of people can make music that is simultaneously bizarre, noisy, catchy and melodic. It almost seems like an impossible combination of attributes, yet here they co-exist in an easy confluence. Bombastic over-saturated drums blasting over huge chunky guitar, random bits of piano melody and some serious pipes.


New digs

Alright.  It’s the obligatory “I just installed a new blog software, now let’s kick it off with the first post” post.  Congratulations!

I did want to start a new serial feature called “Stuff My Kids Said”  This inaugural post includes the following gems:

“The torso has my arms.  I have two arms.”
This one may not seem so odd, until you start to wonder why a five-year old refers to his own body as “the torso”.  I’m just glad he got the anatomy correct.  Granted, it would have been far more disturbing if he had said “The cephalothorax has my arms.”  That would have been cause for serious concern.

“Your penis is entirely covered (with hair)”
Look.  When you’re driving two preschoolers long distance, sometimes you have to make a pit stop at the rest area.  It’s easier to get us all in a single stall to void our bladders in turn, than to queue up at a urinal.  I think the important thing for me to take from this is that even my five year old thinks I should trim.  It’s a fucking conspiracy.  I swear.

Anyway.  Expect me to be sprucing up a bit over the next few days while I hash out some of the details and finish getting content ported over to the new system.

Until then, etc. etc.