This morning I got an email, as happens from time-to-time, requesting that I approve a comment to one of the pages here at I glanced at the comment, determined it was spam and was nigh on deleting it, when I was struck with the notion to use it for a diversion from my dull and mundane morning.
These were the contents of the comment (name, email, URL and comment):
ultrasonic jewelry cleaners
I come across myself coming to your weblog extra and additional frequently towards the point exactly where my visits are pretty much day-to-day now!
First, I copied that into Notepad, then saved the file as spam.wav. Then I opened Audacity and imported the file as raw data (16-bit WAV). The file was but the merest fraction of a second long, so I had to use Audacity’s native speed changing effect to stretch it out a tad. I then used +decimate to dirty up the sound, and smashed the living Hell out of it with Audacity’s native compression and amplifier effects. Once I had something loud enough and grimy enough, I opened it in PaulStretch and smeared it out to a reasonable length, using the octave and arbitrary filters to add some depth to the original sound. After all was said and done, I ended up with a nice crunchy little bed of noise. It’s pretty innocuous, and far from extraordinary, but it was still a fun little project for an otherwise boring morning.
Databending spam for profit and pleasure by intelligentmachinery
And, yes, that is the actual email address and URL from the spammer. Feel free to firebomb at will.